Refs 'Reindeer Run' gets onside with MFR Cash For Kids

North officials virtual journey to Lapland raising funds for Mission Christmas

The challenge takes place from November 28th - December 13th
Published 27th Nov 2020

Footballing officials may get a hard time, but the North of Scotland Referee Association are looking to raise some money for MFR Cash For Kids 'Mission Christmas'

With the return of the Highland League, local refs thought what better way to combine fitness, exercise and football into a charity challenge - by journeying the 1,288 miles to Lapland.

As a group, they'll run, walk, row, cycle - that's at training or during upcoming football matches - looking to match the 'virtual' distance between Inverness to Lapland - with a stopover in Caithness for Santa.

Referees have a Strava group set up for the Referee Association to track progress on the journey.

North ref Billy Baxter said: "Money is tight and the last thing we want at Christmas is the thought of kids not getting presents from Santa"

MFR Cash For Kids 'Mission Christmas' aims to provide £50 of gifts for a child to make their Christmas.

Over 30 of the association members will take part from ages 16 to 65, and Billy accepts that that they are of different levels of involvement.

"Training can be a bit of a challenge, but people are seeing it as a positive in doing this"

"I can't wait. There's been a nice buzz in training so far. The main thing is we're raising money for a local charity and the added benefit that we're all going to get fit"

You can find out more here.