Rare Bird Swallows Fish Hook In Highland

The black-throated diver was found at Lochindorb on Monday.

Published 11th Aug 2015

A rare bird has been rescued by the Scottish SPCA after swallowing a fishing hook. Scotland's animal welfare charity was alerted when the black-throated diver was discovered at Lochindorb in the Highlands on Monday.

Senior inspectors Andy Brown and Dougie Campbell rescued the bird by boat and it is now being treated at the charity's National Wildlife Rescue Centre in Fishcross.

SI Brown said, "The fishing line had snagged on weeds, meaning the bird was unable to move very far.

"Our vet was able to remove the hook but unfortunately there is a lot of dead tissue and the diver is not out of the woods yet.

"It is now on a course of antibiotics and we are hoping this treatment will be successful.

"However, the bird isn't currently waterproof due to having the feathers around its neck removed so if it survives it will have to remain in our care until they have grown back.

"This bird has been caused a huge amount of pain and suffering and what makes it all the more frustrating is that it could easily have been avoided.

"We are urging anyone fishing at Lochindorb or anywhere else to make sure they clear away every last piece of equipment."