Raigmore midwives to scale Ben Nevis

A group of midwives from Raigmore Hospital’s Labour Suite will be climbing Ben Nevis next month to raise money for cancer care in the Highlands.

Published 1st Jun 2016

A group of midwives from Raigmore Hospital’s Labour Suite will be climbing Ben Nevis next month to raise money for cancer care in the Highlands.

The group have all known someone in the past year affected by cancer including colleagues and this has inspired them to take on the challenge.

Yvonne Mckenzie, senior charge midwife, explained: “There are 30 of us making the climb in June and we’ve all been training which has been a lot of fun.

“We know the actual climb itself will be tough but it’s nothing compared to what our friends have been and are going through. We’re all looking forward to it.”

Yvonne and the rest of the group will make their ascent on the 19th June and they’re hoping for a favourable day that at least remains dry.

Yvonne said: “Everyone has been very supportive and we’ve been lucky enough to be sponsored by Sydney House B&B in Cromarty which has enabled us to get our ‘LetsMUCIn’ t-shirts to wear on the day.

“We’ve raised £1000 online so far but that doesn’t include individual sponsorships that I know many of the group have. We really hope that what we raise will make a difference locally. If anyone is interested in supporting us donations can be given in at the Labour Suite in the hospital.”