Race for Life

Race for Life for Cancer Research UK – Supported by MFR.

Published 23rd Apr 2015

Race for Life for Cancer Research UK – Supported by MFR.

Ladies, it’s time to lace up your trainers. MFR is again proudly supporting Race for Life and we want you to join us.

Cancer Research UK are calling Brave Girls to action…. So choose your mission and sign up now for a 5K or 10K and help us do battle for those with us, and for those not.

In this world there are three types of hero...

The first type signs up for a Race for Life 5K event. They aren’t afraid of a stitch. As long as it doesn’t last too long.

The second type of hero says ‘double it’ in the face of danger and signs up to a Race for Life 10K event. Why? Because when the jogging gets tough they know they can always walk a bit if they really have to.

The third type of hero won’t let anything get in her way. Especially not a big pink obstacle course. That’s why she signs up for a Race for Life Pretty Muddy® event.

Ladies, it’s time to fulfil your destiny...

WALK / JOG / CHARGE SIGN UP NOW AT <a class="article-body-link" href="http://raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org/index.html "ENTER NOW"">RACEFORLIFE.ORG** **We will beat cancer sooner.


  • Inverness, Bught Stadium, Sun 24 May - Aberdeen, Kings Links, Sun 14 June - Dundee, Camperdown Park, Sun 21 June - Perth, North Inch park, Sun 5 July