No further progress from politicians efforts on Fort George

MP Drew Hendry describes meeting with defence minister Mark Lancaster as "constructive"

Published 17th Oct 2016

Following a meeting with defence minister Mark Lancaster, Inverness MP Drew Hendry has described the summit as "constructive" although he says it is "disappointing" there is no firm news on the future of the Ardersier base.

Mr Hendry, along with Highland Council leader Margaret Davidson and Highlands and Islands MSP, Maree Todd, discussed the future of Fort George following months of speculation that Highland base is under threat of closure in the current round of MOD cuts.

Following the meeting, Mr Hendry said: "Whilst the meeting was constructive, it is disappointing that we still have no firm answer from the MOD on such an important issue"

"Following our discussions, the Minister can be left in no doubt about the military, social and economic value of Fort George - both to our local economy and to our armed forces. We have urged him, yet again, to put an end to this uncertainty and to seriously consider the potentially damaging impact of this decision on the Highlands"

Leader of The Highland Council, Margaret Davidson said: "It was a very worthwhile meeting and gave us an opportunity to clearly articulate a very sound case for maintaining the last army barracks in the Highlands. I hope that the MOD now understands the importance of Fort George to the Highlands and the wider economic impact of removing the base. We understand that the Review is very long term and I hope that our representations will be taken into account when it comes to making a decision”

Highlands & Islands MSP Maree Todd added: "I represent the Highlands and Islands, which includes both Fort George and Kinloss. The loss of either of these bases would have a devastating impact on the region - already at risk of depopulation. If the MOD were to pursue plans to close the bases, it would also leave us in the ludicrous position where we would have bombing ranges and nuclear subs yet no military personnel"