Probe Launched Into Pluscarden Abuse Claims

Police have launched an inquiry into allegations about historic abuse at the Moray abbey.

Published 7th Aug 2015

A Moray monastery is at the centre of a police investigation into allegations of historic abuse.

The claims relate to Pluscarden Abbey near Elgin.

Officers confirmed they were looking into allegations of what they called 'non-recent abuse'.

A statement said enquiries were at an early stage and no other details were released.

Andi Lavery is an abuse survivor who set up a support group, White Flowers Alba.

He said: "They are very traumatised by what happened to them, and basically they are looking for answer.

"I'm under no doubts that they were abused from what they have told me.

"It's not been an easy decision for them; it was upsetting for them telling me."

MFR News has contacted the abbey for comment.

Founded in 1230 near Elgin, the abbey is home to a community of Benedictine monks and regarded as the UK's oldest operating medieval monastery.