Preparations Well Underway For Camanachd Cup Final Weekend

Kyles Athletic’s co-manager James Perlich believes it has taken some time for his players to recover from losing the 2013 Scottish Hydro Camanachd Cup to Newtonmore.

Published 15th Sep 2015

Article by Kenneth Stephen

Kyles Athletic’s co-manager James Perlich believes it has taken some time for his players to recover from losing the 2013 Scottish Hydro Camanachd Cup to Newtonmore.

Now they have the perfect opportunity to erase some of that pain as they get ready to face Lovat in Saturday’s highly anticipated 108th Scottish Hydro Camanachd Cup Final.

Despite the sides being similar in attacking style - something which will entice the crowds to Mossfield Park in Oban- present form would suggest Kyles will start as favourites.

That will be gratefully accepted by John MacRitchie’s Lovat team who can go into their first Camanachd Cup Final since 1953 burdened with less expectation.

However, Perlich reckons any talk of pressure on his players is outweighed by the motivation they have, collectively, to avoid another big day disappointment.

The 3-0 defeat at the hands of Newtonmore, and the manner of their undoing, still sits uneasily with the men from the Kyles of Bute and they are eager to put that memory to rest.

“We talked about the fact we will be classed as favourites but we also have the fairly unique experience of both winning and losing a Camanachd Cup Final within 2 years, back to back.

“Both are pretty fresh in the players’ minds and they don’t want to lose again,” said Perlich, now in his 10th year at the helm alongside ex-player and Tighnabruaich farmer, Norman MacDonald.

“From winning the Cup in 2012 against Inveraray to losing to Newtonmore, the players basically went from total elation and being on top of the world to hitting rock bottom.

“Personally, I think the below-par season we had last year was the product of that. It has taken until now for us to get back. They know which experience they’d rather have and what they want to avoid, so the boys will be very determined.”

The last time these two faced each other in the Camanachd Cup Final, Lovat ran out winners after a replay at King George 5th Park in Fort William.

That was 62 years ago and the admission price for a child was a shilling. It has taken Lovat some time to return to those lofty days but the present crop of Kiltarlity youngsters are capable of emulating the class of ’53.

Having emerged, like Kyles, from the one village primary school, Tomnacross, they enjoy a rare bond as well as having several potential match winners in their ranks.

Indeed, if both themselves and Kyles play to their full potential, the final could be a classic for fans and neutrals below Mossfield’s famous grass banking.

“Obviously, we have won two MacTavish Cups as a group but this is another step up entirely for us,” said manager MacRitchie, who played in the club’s last Camanachd Cup semi final back in 1981.

“There is extra build-up and spotlight and Kyles have been accustomed to that whilst we haven’t been. The key thing for us is that the players can relax. We need to play Kyles and not get carried away by playing the occasion.”