Port of Cromarty Firth awards £20k to local projects

Local suicide prevention charity among beneficiaries following grant awards

James Support Group, run by Wendy and Patrick Mullery, work on suicide prevention
Author: John RosePublished 26th Apr 2021

The Port of Cromarty Firth has announced funding awards to seven local projects through its Community Sponsorship Programme for 2021.

James Support Group, run by Patrick and Wendy Mullery, is receiving £2,500 towards its support work with those bereaved or affected by suicide. The Cromarty-based couple launched the group following the loss of their son James, and since then have devoted their time and energy into ensuring vulnerable people and families struggling with their mental health are listened to and supported.

Patrick Mullery said: “We are extremely grateful to the Port of Cromarty Firth for this support from their Community Sponsorship Programme. The money will go a long way to helping us extend our vital work throughout the Highlands so we can reach even more vulnerable people and give them hope in what can be a very difficult time in their lives, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic.”

Among other beneficiaries, Nigg Community Hall will receive a further £1,000 to help continue to transform the building.

Veronica Morrison, Chair of Nigg Community Hall, said: “The hall is a key part of our community and helps provide a home for so many events, receptions and gatherings.”

Also included are:

Ross Sutherland Rugby Club, whose £10,000 is part of a deal to support the club’s development and expansion within the local community and wider region;

Invergordon Golf Club, £2,750 to support road repairs and establish a 24-space car park;

Blackrock Recreation Hub, £1,875 towards the second phase of its refurbishment at Blackrock Recreation Park, including heaters, insulation, decorating and floodlights;

Evanton Community Wood, £1,000 to provide a composting toilet for its wider ‘Mag’s Wood’ project;

Ross County Girls and Women Football Club, £1,000 towards kit and equipment for the increasing numbers attending the training sessions, as well as coaching qualifications for volunteers and venue costs.

Bob Buskie, Chief Executive of the Port of Cromarty Firth, said: “We love working closely with the communities that border the Firth through our Community Sponsorship Programme. Every year the submissions we receive provide us with a fantastic insight into the important work that goes on around the area."