Poll shows 60% of Scots would vote to remain in UK

The Survation poll on behalf of a pro-union group asked a different question from that put to voters in the 2014 independence referendum.

Author: Kerri-Ann DochertyPublished 20th Nov 2018
Last updated 20th Nov 2018

A new survey has shown 60% of people in Scotland would vote to remain in the UK in a referendum.

The Survation poll on behalf of a pro-union group asked a different question from that put to voters in the 2014 independence referendum.

Instead of asking if the country should be independent, it asked whether they would like to remain as part of the UK.

Results also show 28% of Yes voters in 2014 would back Remain, while 15% of former No voters would choose to Leave.

Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said: This bombshell poll shows that a huge majority of Scots want to remain in the UK and are turned off by Nicola Sturgeon's desperate attempts to use Brexit to break up Britain.

"Voters know that we are better off as part of the UK and it makes sense to remain with our oldest friends, neighbours and allies - rather than divide us in the name of nationalism."

The Survation poll of 1,013 people aged over 16 in Scotland asked how they would vote in a second independence referendum, with the question "should Scotland remain in the United Kingdom or leave the UK?"

It was carried out between November 9 and 13.

Results show those choosing to remain would drop to 52% without a Brexit agreement.

The poll reports 57% of Scots are either less likely to back independence as a result of Brexit, or no more or less likely.

It also found that 67% would choose to stay in the EU.

The SNP came out with 39% in the survey when asked about voting in a general election, while the Scottish Conservatives were second with 26%.

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said: It seems this poll was commissioned by our opponents to land a political blow on the SNP, whereas it's had the exact opposite effect.

"These figures make extremely encouraging reading for the independence movement, while leaving the Tory and Labour parties extremely downhearted.

"It's a spectacular boomerang attack.

"With crucial days ahead as we hurtle towards Brexit, the SNP will continue to stand up to the Tories and fight for what's best for Scotland's future."