Police warning to Inverness drivers after spate of thefts from cars

Several unlocked vehicles had items taken from them in recent weeks

Published 15th Feb 2017

There's a warning for drivers to keep their vehicles locked, after a string of thefts from cars in Inverness.

There have been several reports of cars being broken into across the Highland Capital in recent weeks, many of which were unlocked.

Overnight on Thursday and Friday, a number of unlocked vehicles in the Scorguie and Dalneigh areas were entered and had valuables removed, including sums of money. In some cases belongings were thrown onto the road causing damage.

This recent spate follows on from similar reports in recent weeks from the Castle Heather, Westhill and Hilton areas, where unlocked vehicles were entered and valuables removed, including computer equipment and cash.

Chief Inspector Ian Graham, Inverness Area Commander, said: "People don't think it will happen to them, but the sad truth is that you are far more likely to become a victim if you don’t take basic steps to ensure your valuables are secure.

"We’ve received reports of thefts from right across Inverness so there is no safe place from opportunistic criminals.

"Generally we live in a very safe part of the country, but I would urge people not to be complacent and lock their cars whenever they’re left unattended - even for short periods of time.

"It only takes a few minutes - sometimes seconds - to enter a car and steal valuables; however, the results can cause immeasurable distress and expense.

"These are opportunistic thieves who will try any car door until they find one unlocked. Please ensure you take the basis steps of locking your vehicle at all times - do not take the security of your belongings for granted.

"We will have additional patrols deployed over the next week to combat this concerning spate of crime, but we seek the vital support from the public in reporting any suspicious persons, vehicles or activity in their local area."