Police Scotland Spotlight On Race Hate Crime

Police Scotland has launched its Hate Crime Campaign to inspire victims to come forward and encourage Scotland to stand up to hate crime - and this week race hate crime is the focus.

With over 300 Third Party Reporting Sites across the country, hate crime is a priority for Police Scotland and the campaign seeks to reinforce the message that prejudice based on sexual orientation, transgender identity, disability, racial or religious lines will not be tolerated.

As victims don’t always think a crime has been committed or thinking that ignoring the issue will make it go away, hate crime has become a widely unreported problem in Scotland. The campaign aims to provide a greater understanding to the public about what constitutes hate crime and how it can be reported.

Hate crime is defined as a crime perceived as being motivated by malice or ill will towards a particular social group on the basis of their actual or presumed sexual orientation, transgender identity, disability, race or religion.

Individuals who think targeting people who are different to them is acceptable behaviour are being forced to think again. Police Scotland is working with partner organisations to end such activity and bring perpetrators to justice.

For information on where you can go to report hate crime visit:
