Police looking for man over 'unprovoked attack' in Elgin

A 21-year-old was left needing hospital treatment for facial injuries

Published 30th Mar 2017

Police investigating a serious assault in Elgin have released details of a man they want to speak to.

A 21-year-old man was left needing hospital treatment for facial injuries, following the attack near the Rising Sun Bar on Bridge Street.

The incident happened at around midnight on Saturday March 18 into March 19.

PC Lawrence Ramsay, from the Divisional Alcohol & Violence Reduction Unit, said: "This appears to have been a completely unprovoked attack on a young man who required treatment at Dr Gray's Hospital for his injuries.

"We have been carrying out CCTV and house-to-house enquiries and would like to appeal to any member of the public who was in the area at the time, or anyone who knows anything about this incident, to please contact us.

"In particular we want to trace a white man aged in his 20's, described as wearing a green T-shirt and grey jeans who was last seen heading in the direction of Lamb Street."

Anyone with information can call Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.