Police in Elgin re-trace crime zone for clues

Police still with "no description" of assailant following South Lesmurdie attack, as victim lies in hospital.

Woodside Terrace - Google StreetView
Published 2nd Nov 2017

Police in Elgin have re-visited the scene of a serious assault that took place a week ago. Officers have spoken to motorists who may have been in the area at the time to find out more information which could help.

Around 40 motorists who use routes in the Woodside Terrace area were spoken to between 4.45 and 5.30am on Thursday 2nd of November - the approximate time in which the 44-year left her home one week ago (Thursday 26th of October) and was later found with a serious head injury.

Detective Inspector Norman Stevenson, who is leading the investigation, said: "I would like to thank the motorists that we stopped for their patience and assistance as we continue to carry out extensive enquiries into this brutal assault"

"The information we received will build on the picture we already have in terms of who passes through the area and at what time, also if any individuals looked out of place in the minutes before and after this incident last week"

"Without being able to speak to the woman involved yet because of the severity of her injuries, we are relying on the public at this crucial time to provide us with information. It is essential we piece together the moments leading up to the assault and build a picture of her life and acquaintances."

He added: "Someone, somewhere knows what happened to this woman that morning and I would urge them to look into their conscience and come forward with information by calling Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 in confidence"

"She was on her way to get a bus on East Road - so I would continue to appeal to anyone who was out walking or driving in the area and saw anything unusual to get in touch - also to anyone with dashcam footage who was in the Newmill Road, Pansport Road or South Lesmurdie areas of Elgin."

"At the time of the incident, which took place at a lane near Woodside Terrace, the woman was wearing a light coloured jacket, blue jeans, brown boots and was carrying a black handbag"

"Even if you think your information might be insignificant, I would respectfully ask you to let us make that assessment and come forward"

Please quote incident number 0354 of October 26.