Police bosses urged to survey 'undervalued and stretched' staff

It's five years since rank and file were allowed to have their say

Published 6th Sep 2020

Police Scotland have been urged to bring forward plans for a staff survey that was last carried out in 2015.

The force had planned to repeat the survey of police officers and staff in 2017, but after repeated delays Police Scotland now say it is not expected to happen until next year.

Scottish Liberal Democrat MSP Liam McArthur has warned that the mental wellbeing of staff cannot be sidelined'' and that police bosses should letrank and file officers tell their own story''.

Mr McArthur said the results of the 2015 survey shone a light on how undervalued staff and officers felt'', with just 8% of respondents thinking the police force was genuinely interested in staff wellbeing.

Less than a quarter of police officers also said they had the resources they needed to do their job properly.

Mr McArthur said: Now, while officers are being called to deal with the ever-expanding mental health crisis in Scotland, their own wellbeing has fallen down the to-do list to the extent there is now a four-year delay to the force-wide staff survey.

The decision to delay was taken before the pandemic hit, and the increase in officer workload that has followed means there's now all the more reason to check in.

The police force can't be expected to pick up the tab of an under-resourced mental health system while their own mental health is being sidelined.

Those at the top have been keen to claim that policing in Scotland is back on track after the SNP's botched centralisation. They are less willing to let rank and file officers tell their own story.

This survey needs to take place as soon as possible.''

In a letter to Mr McArthur, Police Scotland's director of people and development Jude Helliker said: The decision to delay the wellbeing survey was taken after detailed and careful consideration to ensure the timing of the survey would support an optimal response rate in order to achieve the most meaningful findings.

It is my intention to launch the survey after the criticality of the current pandemic abates, with planning currently focused to undertake the survey during 2021.''

Deputy Chief Constable Fiona Taylor added: The wellbeing of our officers and staff is a priority and we have a range of support mechanisms in place.

An engagement and wellbeing survey was due to be carried out this year but has been delayed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and a new date is being arranged.

Response rates in the previous two surveys were lower than we had hoped for and we will be taking time to encourage as many people as possible to take part in the next one.''

Last year, research by the Scottish Lib Dems found that there was an 11% increase in the number of working days lost for police officers due to mental health-related sick leave, and a 25% increase for police staff.

Speaking at FMQs in November, party leader Willie Rennie asked Nicola Sturgeon to take action to improve mental health support for police workers and suggested that the delay to the staff survey was making people suspicious that it is going to be bad news''.

The First Minister replied: These are important issues and that is why we are investing in our police service, we are investing in mental health support workers across a range of different settings.

We made a commitment to do that over this Parliament and we are delivering that commitment over this Parliament.''

She added that the welfare of police is very important'' and argued that the SNP had increased officer numbers since coming to power.