Pilots' Union To Appeal Release Of North Sea Helicopter Black Box

The British Airline Pilots' Association says it will challenge the decision to release the flight recorder.

Published 7th Jul 2015

A decision to release the black box from a fatal North Sea helicopter crash is being challenged.

The British Airline Pilots' Association is lodging an appeal to block access to flight data from the 2013 incident.

4 people died when the Super Puma went down off the Shetland coast.

A probe by the Air Accident Investigation Branch is ogoing.

The union fears any further inquiry could mean a longer wait for answer as to what went wrong.

Jim McAuslan, BALPA General Secretary said: “There is a broader issue of public interest at stake here.

"Pilots are concerned the open safety culture it has taken decades to create, would be threatened if safety data is used to assign blame without air accident investigation specialists being given the time, space and resources to carry out their work fully.

"While the judge recognised he had a balancing act to perform, and that flight safety was important, we are not convinced he got the balance right in this case."