'Outrage' over decision to axe Highlands and Islands Enterprise board

The decision was confirmed by the Deputy First Minister on Wednesday.

Published 24th Nov 2016

A move to take the Highlands and Islands Enterprise Board away from the north has been criticised by local politicians.

It's part of Scottish Government plans to centralise the country's enterprise agencies, which it says will 'de-clutter' the system.

It was confirmed by Deputy First Minister John Swinney on Wednesday.

Responding to the decision, regional MSP and Labour's Rural Economy and Connectivity spokesperson Rhoda Grant said: “I am outraged at this blatant centralisation.

"It beggars belief that the SNP Government will have us debating empowering Island Communities while removing their power and influence over HIE.

"The loss of this board takes us back to early 1960 when Willie Ross said that no part of Scotland has been given a shabbier deal by history.

"Sadly the SNP Government appears to be rewriting history and offering an even shabbier deal."