Nurses "don't feel safe" at super prison

An inspection's found NHS staff at HMP Grampian are being threatened by inmates - and they're not getting support from prison guards

Published 11th May 2016

Nurses at HMP Grampian are being threatened by inmates - and they're not getting the support they need from prison staff.

This has come out in an inspection of the North East's super prison in Peterhead.

Although it's generally positive, it was rated poor for health and wellbeing.

Among the most worrying findings is that NHS staff are frequently threatened and verbally abused by prisoners.

They don't feel safe attending different wings of the prison, and felt unsupported by Scottish Prison Service employees.

The "challenging" relationship between the SPS and the NHS has also had an effect on prisoners getting the health care they need.

There are other problems at the facility - some inmates who've asked for protection are spending 23 hours a day locked up in their cells.

HMP Grampian - which also has a Young Offenders Institute - opened just two years ago to replace the old Aberdeen and Peterhead prisons.

You can read the reports from inspectors in full here.