Nicola Sturgeon called on to tackle the ``crisis'' facing family doctors.

The Tories want The First Minister to commit to spending more of the ÂŁ12 billion annual budget on general practice.

Published 19th Sep 2016

A warning that Scotland could have a devastating'' shortfall of more than 800 GPs in just four years has sparked fresh calls for Nicola Sturgeon to tackle thecrisis'' facing family doctors.

Scottish Conservatives are calling on the First Minister to commit to spending more of the ÂŁ12 billion annual health budget on general practice.

With the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) forecasting Scotland could have a deficit of 830 family doctors by 2020, the Tories want 10% of all health funding to go to GPs by the end of the decade.

Health spokesman Donald Cameron said the RCGP forecast makes the scale of the GP crisis clear''.

A shortfall of that number in the GP workforce would be devastating for communities across Scotland'', the Conservative MSP added.

Mr Cameron said: Before the election, Nicola Sturgeon was on record saying that GPs must receive a greater share of the health pot. Yet she's been utterly silent on this since.

Unless she acts, people will rightly conclude that the SNP promised one thing before an election, only to bury that promise after it.

We want to see at least 10% of health funding going to general practice by 2020. That will help ease the crisis we currently see in general practice. And it will help the rest of the NHS by enabling GPs to do more.''

He spoke out as the RCGP warned the UK could have a shortfall of almost 10,000 GPs by 2020 - forecasting a deficit of 9,940 full-time posts across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

This could leave 594 GP surgeries at risk of closure, the organisation added.

It is calling on the governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to come up with plans to boost the number of GPs in their areas, pointing to the NHS England plan which aims to recruit 5,000 family doctors and an additional 5,000 other members of staff for surgeries.

The NHS England plan, which is supported by the RCGP, also includes a pledge to increase investment in general practice by #2.4 billion a year by 2020.

The RCGP has also launched its own video and guide which aims to explode this dangerous myth'' created by TV shows such as 24 Hours in A&E and Casualty that hospital doctors enjoy a more exciting and fulfilling career.

Chair Dr Maureen Baker said: It is imperative that we recruit huge numbers of medical students and foundation doctors into general practice in order to keep the NHS on its feet.

If we fail, there will be too few GPs to go round, practices will close and patient safety in general practice will clearly be at risk.''

She described general practice as being the cornerstone of the NHS'' but added:Despite the fact that general practice is critical to the success of the NHS, there is a bizarre misconception in certain parts of the medical world that GPs merely treat coughs and colds.

However, our Think GP video and guide explode this dangerous myth by showing that family doctors are expert medical generalists who have to manage and understand chronic long-term conditions and deliver the continuing care that our most complex of patients need.''.