NHS Highland confirm COVID-19 cluster in Aviemore

Seven cases have been identified within the Macdonald Resort in Aviemore.

Dr McMahon expressed his condolences to people who lost loved ones during the pandemic
Published 19th Dec 2020

A cluster of seven coronavirus cases have been confirmed at the Macdonald Resort in Aviemore.

NHS Highland say the cluster relates to a group of entertainers who were working at the resort over the last week.

The health board also confirmed that their Health Protection Team has undertaken case follow up in accordance with national guidance.

Contact tracing is being carried out with all those identified as close contacts being advised to self-isolate.

All guests and staff who have stayed or worked in the resort over the past week have been written to and advised what to do if they develop symptoms.

Dr Tim Allison, Director of Public Health with NHS Highland, said: “We appreciate that this will be causing anxiety within the residents of the resort, staff and wider community and we are working closely with The Highland Council’s Environmental Health Team and the resort management to provide advice and guidance to residents, staff and their families.

"At this time, we have no evidence of wider community spread.

“We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the virus does circulate even in rural communities and so everyone should continue to adhere to physical distancing guidelines, wear a face-covering when in enclosed spaces, clean your hands and surfaces regularly and immediately self-isolate and seek a test if you develop symptoms.”