Newborn elk twins at Highland Wildlife Park

The pair were born earlier in May but keepers are still taking a cautious approach.

Newborn elk
Published 31st May 2021

Two European elk twins have been born at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s Highland Wildlife Park.

Staff at the wildlife conservation charity say the calves, born to mum Cas and dad Raven are doing well, but they remain cautious.

Becky Pink, senior animal keeper at Highland Wildlife Park, said, “We are delighted our two new arrivals are doing well so far. The first few weeks are crucial to their development and we will be keeping a close eye on them as they grow.”

Historically native to Scotland, Eurasian elk are the largest living deer species and are still found across much of Europe.

Becky added, “Although our elk are one of the tallest animals here at the park, they are masters of camouflage and can be difficult to spot"

It is the latest happy news to come from the Kincraig facility with the animal keepers also welcoming some new tigers earlier this month.