New Snow Ploughs To Treat Winter Roads in Highlands

The Highland Council has taken delivery of 4 new winter gritting vehicles, first of a batch of 25 which have been bought to assist and improve the delivery of its winter service.

Published 2nd Nov 2015

The Highland Council has taken delivery of 4 new winter gritting vehicles, first of a batch of 25 which have been bought to assist and improve the delivery of its winter service.

The four vehicles will be dispatched to Tongue, Brora, Gairloch and Broadford on the Isle of Skye. The remaining 21 vehicles are due to be delivered within the next 6 weeks and will be distributed to locations throughout the Highlands. Councillor Allan Henderson, chair of The Highland Council’s Community Services committee said: “This is a welcome modernisation of our fleet. The Council will be investing a total of £2.2M this year on new vehicles which include dedicated snow ploughs and general purpose vehicles which can be adapted to assist in winter operations. We continue to assess our gritting routes and where it has been feasible we have considered larger vehicles with greater capacity. The Council will make every effort to provide the best service it can within the resources available.”