MSPs to vote on football act repeal

A repeal of controversial legislation to tackle sectarianism at football is expected to move a step forward later.

Published 27th Feb 2018

A repeal of controversial legislation to tackle sectarianism at football is expected to move a step forward later. MSPs on Holyrood's Justice Committee are likely to endorse a bill by Labour's James Kelly to scrap the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act.

The committee vote on Tuesday marks stage two of the political process and follows MSPs from opposition parties banding together to defeat the government in a vote supporting the general principles of the legislation to repeal last month.

Mr Kelly said: “The SNP was wrong to use its previous parliamentary majority to bulldoze the Football Act through in the first place - however we are now getting closer to repealing the law.

“Parliament has repeatedly backed repeal of the Football Act and legal experts have already made clear that there will be no gap left by repeal.

“The SNP should get behind every other party on this issue, scrap the act, and start investing in anti-sectarianism projects, rather than clinging on to its broken law.''

Following the committee stage, the bill will go before all MSPs for a final vote.

The SNP had used its majority in the last parliament to introduce the Act in the face of opposition from all other parties.

Since being implemented it has faced criticism from football fans and the legal profession