MSP calls for Government action on short prison sentences

1,017 people were locked up on short sentences of the 7,792 people in Scottish jails.

Published 27th Dec 2019

An MSP is demanding the Scottish Government takse action on short prison sentences after it emerged 1,000 people were imprisoned last Christmas.

Scottish Liberal Democrat justice spokesman Liam McArthur has called on Holyrood to “relieve the pressure'' on the prison service by enacting their presumption against sentences under a year.

The figures, released to the party by the Scottish Prison Service under Freedom of Information laws, showed 1,017 people were locked up on short sentences of the 7,792 people in Scottish jails.

Mr McArthur said: “Last year over 1,000 people were behind bars at Christmas because of a needless reliance on short-term sentences.

“This is despite all the evidence showing these stints are disruptive, ineffective and ultimately more damaging for the community.

“By contrast, robust community-based sentences have a much better track record of rehabilitation and reducing reoffending.

“It's why Scottish Liberal Democrats fought hard for the introduction of a stronger presumption against short sentences.

“The Scottish Government eventually agreed, but these figures show that ministers need to do more to ensure this is not just a hollow policy.''

In June, MSPs voted to extend the current presumption from three months to one year, to stem what the Scottish Government called a “revolving door.”

The presumption is not a regulation to be followed by the judiciary, but rather guidance that should be considered by courts when sentencing.

A spokeswoman for the Scottish Government said: “The figures quoted are from 2018 and before Parliament backed the Scottish Government's extension of the presumption against short sentences.

“While sentencing decisions in each case are for the independent judiciary, the presumption encourages courts to consider alternatives to custody which can be more effective than disruptive short prison sentences in rehabilitating individuals.

“We have increased annual investment in criminal justice social work services to more than £100 million and this year Parliament passed our legislation to allow greater use of electronic monitoring.

“We have also established a national community justice leadership group to drive further progress.

“We are working closely with the SPS to manage the high prison population and extending the presumption is just one element of work to support a wider cultural shift that goes beyond simply increasing the proportion of sentences served in the community.

“Our firm focus on prevention and rehabilitation in both custody and the community is working, with the reconviction rate remaining at its lowest level in 20 years.''

Mr McArthur also said locking people up for less than a year pushes an already stretched prison service.

He said: “Independent experts agree that our prisons are at crisis point. I've uncovered waits of up to 42 weeks to start basic courses, spiralling rates of self-harm and SPS rehabilitation services have had to be abolished altogether in the face of the soaring population.

“It's not an environment in which people can easily turn their lives around.

“The Scottish Government must now relieve this pressure and make the new presumption work by properly resourcing community-based sentencing options. It is the best way to ensure justice is served and keep people safe.''