Moray SNP Council group sets out proposal to reinstate grass cutting

The SNP Administration have set out updated budget proposals that will be considered at a Special Meeting of Moray Council tomorrow [Tuesday].

Published 2nd Mar 2020

Budget proposals now include the reinstatement of budgets for grass cutting which would reinstate it, which was stopped last year and also remove a plan for further reductions in the coming year.

Commenting, SNP Council Leader Graham Leadbitter said:

“Last year Moray Council faced some of its toughest budget decisions to address a significant budget deficit. Having taken those decisions and with further hard work by council officers in the past year the Council’s finances are in a much healthier position.

“While things have significantly improved we should, however, not be complacent. We have looked at various options and we consider that reinstating grass cutting is an affordable option that will have a positive impact on our communities.

“Moray’s residents have been very supportive of us in Administration in the Council in what are very challenging circumstances. We will continue to work closely with those communities and other councillors to find the most positive way forward while taking a responsible approach to budgeting.”