Moray set to seek ScotGov funding for replacement secondaries

The buildings at Forres Academy and Buckie High School are at a poor standard

Changes will enable them to choose to use their allowance during morning break as well as at lunch
Author: John RosePublished 15th Sep 2022

Moray’s two worst secondary school buildings could be in line for replacement.

Councillors will be asked to consider applying for Scottish Government funding to rebuild Forres Academy.

There is also an option to seek money to replace Buckie High School as well.

Members will be expected to make a decision on submitting an application to the third phase of the learning estate improvement programme at a meeting of the education, children’s and leisure services committee on September 28th.

Any application for funding must be submitted by close of business on 31st October.

There is an expectation any projects seeking funding should be completed by the end of 2027.

That is sooner than the 2028-29 time frame the council has for replacing the schools.

Forres Academy is in a worse state than Buckie High – but not by much – and its replacement is priority for the local authority.

It has a D standard for the condition, which is the worst a school can be rated.

Buckie is deemed to be poor with a C mark, but as that assessment was done five years ago there are fears it could have since fallen into the lowest category.

Both are below the minimum requirement of a double B mark for condition and suitability.

While Forres and Buckie rank as B in terms of the size and flexibility of classrooms for learning and teaching, that is likely to drop because of the declining condition of the buildings.

Nearby Applegrove Primary in Forres re-opened after a refurb in 2017

Over the last eight years the council has spent almost £5 million trying to sort out problems at Forres but it has continued to deteriorate.

A successful bid to the fund would see up to 50% of the cost met with the rest footed by the local authority, which has to find budget savings of £20 million in the next two years.

Options to replace Forres Academy include a new secondary school and community hub for £79.2 million, and another for a three to 18 community campus incorporating Applegrove Primary costing £87.4 million.

A major refurbishment and extension is also up for consideration, but at a projected cost of £91.1 million it is unlikely to be the preferred choice.

A different site from the current one will be needed for a new Forres Academy, with Roysvale common good land the preferred choice.

There is no refurbishment option for Buckie.

A new build secondary with community hub would cost £84.1 million and a combined three to 18 campus totalling £95.7 million.

Both would have to be constructed within the current school boundary.