Moray public urged to get behind community sport development

Elgin Sports Community Trust look for support to further plans for Lesser Borough

The common good ground is next to Lossie Green car park in Elgin
Published 29th Oct 2018

Plans to progress a development for a community sports facility in Elgin are taking another step forward with a meeting on Friday (2nd November).

The case for a community asset transfer is being prepared where Moray Council will be presented with the details of an all-weather facility for Lesser Borough.

A previous plan for the unused land near Elgin City FC by the football club (using a grant from SportScotland) fell through some time ago.

But now Elgin Sports Community Trust hope to see their development come to fruition, having set out the case for a "social hub" which will encompass a number of sports.

Chair David Allen believes it can even host other community groups including Men's Sheds and BALL (Be Active Life Long) groups.

"We're proposing putting down a sports surface that you can pretty much play any sport on, but that's not just sport, it's general recreation as well. Getting people out and getting them more active"

There's a meeting at Elgin Academy ahead of the formal submission to the Local Authority to explain the benefits and apply for the asset transfer and David believes help is still needed to bring the ideas to reality.

"It's one thing saying, "Yes we support it" and putting a tick on FaceBook or something, but actually getting to the event is another thing and it sends out a pretty powerful message"

Lesser Borough Briggs (the proposed site) is common good land - owned by the community, but managed and maintained by Moray Council.

The area has been used by Elgin City - although the football club have also previously cited a lack of playing facilities in the town.

David realises this concern, but believes any 3G surface at Lesser Borough would be a multi-sport facility and has even been in talks with Highland RFC who recently laid an artificial surface at their new ground in Inverness.

"This is something that's going into the heart of Elgin, but it's not just Elgin that benefits, as any money from the hire of the facilities will then go into other community projects"

Anyone eager to play a part in the development of the new community sport project is invited to hear more at a meeting at Elgin Academy on Friday November 2nd at 7pm.