Moray's military men in massive Kinloss-Fort William challenge

Six Moray men to cycle, climb mountain, and run for charity

Published 12th Aug 2016

Military personnel in Moray are preparing to take on the biggest physical challenge of their lives...

"Riding from Kinloss to Fort William. Then we're going to summit Ben Nevis. Then we're going to run back from Fort William to Kinloss Barracks again," explains Lance Corporal Michael Wilson (pictured above).

The six men are taking on the challenge between August 20th and 26th to mark the Royal Engineers' 300th anniversary.

Michael, 30-years-old, told MFR News: "We obviously have to keep fit for our jobs but we've been doing a lot of training as well - long runs, and we were deployed to Kenya so a bit of altitude training out there will help as well."

The armed forces personnel are raising money for charity, and Michael's chosen organisation is ABF The Soldiers’ Charity - The National Charity of the British Army.

Michael said: "When I served in Afghanistan I had a friend who lost both of his legs.

"When you get a catastrophic injury like that, you need as much help as you can get."

You can help with fundraising, by clicking here.