Mobile phone use in schools due to be discussed by Moray Councillors

A motion on the use of mobile phones in schools is to be debated at Moray Council. The motion was submitted by members of the Council's Conservative group after they had been contacted by concerned parents.

Mobile phone use in schools
Published 3rd Mar 2020
Last updated 3rd Mar 2020

The motion asks the Council's education department to prepare a paper outlining the positives and negatives of phone use in schools.

Conservative Group Leader Cllr Tim Eagle (Buckie Ward) said: “I have had frequent discussions about mobile phone use with parents, pupils and during PTA meetings. There is a very real concern about their influence on life at school.

"I don’t believe that we can go on any longer without having a full and open debate around their use. I think we either need to support schools with a specific policy or we could simply ban them from schools as has been done in some other areas.”

"My understanding is that some teachers find them very helpful, while others find them a real frustration. We certainly need to ensure that they do not distract from our aim to raise attainment levels. At this stage we are simply calling today for a paper which takes into account the views of headteachers, teachers, parents and pupils so we can come to an informed decision."

Cllr Claire Feaver (Forres) said: “I have had teachers approach me who are terribly concerned about mobile phone use in class with reports that some pupils actually carry two mobiles, in case one of them gets confiscated.”

"Pupils have also expressed their concerns with phones being used during school time to capture photos or videos which are then uploaded online, causing distress to some pupils. Unfortunately this sort of behaviour during the school day and bullying on social media can be a very real problem for some young people and we owe them a duty of care.”

"This is why an informed debate and a policy at the end of it is badly needed.”