Ministers To Visit Aberdeen

Scottish Government ministers are carrying out a series of visits in Aberdeen today ahead of a meeting of the cabinet in the city.

Published 16th Feb 2015

Scottish Government ministers are carrying out a series of visits in Aberdeen today ahead of a meeting of the cabinet in the city.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pledged to lead the most open and accessible'' Government ever and promised regular meetings of her top team outside of Edinburgh when she took over from Alex Salmond in November.

Ministers will hold 22 visits and meetings with local companies and organisations, with the First Minister also hosting a public discussion where people will have the opportunity to ask ministers the cabinet questions on any subject.

Speaking ahead of the visit, Ms Sturgeon said: With the right support, we can ensure that Aberdeen remains the energy capital of Europe for the next 50 years, a centre for innovation, expertise and skills which is recognised around the world.

Let's be clear about one thing - while currently low prices are a challenge, North Sea oil is a fantastic asset for Scotland and will continue to be so be for decades to come, but the sector needs a stable and proportionate tax regime which encourages the investment, innovation and exploration required, and that is something the UK Government must deliver.

Despite the economic pressures we are working under as a result of ongoing UK Government cuts, we are continuing to protect Aberdeen's budget and continuing to invest in the city and wider region.

We want to build a Scotland which shares its wealth more equally, by tackling inequality and protecting and reforming our public services to build a more prosperous and fairer country.''

She added: I want to harness the energy we saw during the referendum campaign - on both sides of the debate - and use it to tackle the day to day issues which affect people in Aberdeen and in communities across Scotland.''