“All managerial posts” considered for £50m council budget cut

Highland Council says more "senior management posts" will be cut as the authority tries to save £50million from the budget for the year ahead.

Published 6th Jan 2016

Highland Council says more "senior management posts" will be cut as the authority tries to save £50million from the budget for the year ahead.

The budget team, which met earlier today (Wednesday), has confirmed that "all managerial positions will have to be considered", but MFR's been told that there's been an "encouraging response" by staff for voluntary redundancy.

The meeting discussed how the current redundancy packages available to council staff may become less attractive in the next financial year as the Government are planning to introduce a cap on such payments.

Budget Leader Councillor Bill Fernie told MFR News: “Over the next 12 months a thorough review of council services and structures will be undertaken to take account of the current financial position. Every post from Chief Executive downwards will be under review by the Independent Administration to ensure Highland Council services are redesigned to meet the expectations of Highland communities within the resources available to us.

“We will shortly be continuing discussions with the whole Independent group, the opposition groups and the trade unions. One of the issues which will be discussed will be whether or not to increase the council tax. Faced with the fact that we need to save over £50m we need to examine all aspects of the budget.”

At a special meeting of The Highland Council on January 21st, the responses from the recent Citizen Panel survey about the budget will be discussed, and on February 25th the main budget setting meeting of the council will be taking place.