Mackerel in North East Atlantic regains sustainability status after assessment

in 2012 the Marine Stewardship Council suspended landing the oily fish after two years of catches above recommended levels

Published 10th May 2016

North east Atlantic mackerel has won back its status as a sustainably managed fish stock - after losing it at the height of the "mackerel war''.

An international coalition of more than 700 fishing boats from small coastal vessels to ocean-going trawlers has regained the "ecolabel'' for mackerel from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), which certifies well-managed fisheries.

The MSC suspended seven certifications for the popular oily fish in 2012 following two years of catches above levels recommended by scientists to sustain the stock.

Atlantic populations of mackerel had moved north west into Icelandic and Faroe Islands waters, prompting their fishermen to catch more fish than was previously agreed.

This caused a dispute between the countries targeting the fishery that became known as the mackerel war, and which fishermen and ministers from across the region have been working for the last six years to resolve.

The Mackerel Industry Northern Sustainability Alliance (Minsa) came together in 2012 to prove the sustainability credentials of the fish, and after an assessment lasting nearly two years, the fishery has been certified with the MSC's blue tick eco-label.

Toby Middleton, MSC programme director for the north east Atlantic said: "This certification shows what can be achieved when fishermen and their governments work together across international boundaries towards sustainability.

"Minsa has been at the forefront of international negotiations and this has resulted in significant new agreements to protect the stock, meaning healthy oceans for this and future generations.''

Ian Gatt, coordinator for Minsa, said: "This certification involved a truly unprecedented partnership approach and is a strong demonstration of the commitment of northern European pelagic fishermen to sustainable fishing and the responsible long-term management of the fishery.

"The mackerel stock is in good shape and gaining the MSC ecolabel will confirm to consumers the sustainable nature of the fishery which, in turn, will benefit fishermen and seafood processors throughout northern Europe.''

Fishermen from Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, France, the Republic of Ireland and Lithuania are part of the Minsa group.

Sainsbury's is aiming to be the first supermarket to have MSC-labelled mackerel back in store.