M&D's apologises for 'Bring on the fear' ad after rollercoaster crash

M&D's theme park has been forced to apologise after a billboard for a new ride appeared in South Lanarkshire displaying the words "Bring on the fear".

Published 22nd Jul 2016

M&D's theme park has been forced to apologise after a billboard for a new ride appeared in South Lanarkshire displaying the words "Bring on the fear".

The advertisement for the Giant Condor attraction appeared on a street in Hamilton just weeks after one of its rollercoasters derailed leaving several people seriously injured.

Eight children and two adults were taken to hospital after the Tsunami ride derailed and plunged 20ft to the ground on Sunday June 26 at the amusement park at Strathclyde Country Park, Motherwell.

Three children were said to be in a serious condition.

A spokesman on behalf of M&D's said: "All of our planned advertising campaigns were cancelled in the immediate aftermath of the Tsunami accident.

"An error by our billboard advertising agency ClearChannel resulted in this advert appearing on a single site.

"We ordered its removal as soon as we were alerted to it and ClearChannel has assured us that its mistake will not be repeated.

"We would like to apologise for any distress caused."

Indoor areas of the amusement park have reopened since the crash but outdoor sections and all rides remain closed.

According to the M&D's website, The Giant Condor is the only one of its kind in Europe.

The advert says: "You can soar into the sky to over 30 metres in 28 custom built gondolas built for two.

"It's big, it's very scary, it's The Giant Condor."