Long initiative cited in changing NHS Highland culture

NHS Highland says "significant progress" has been made in changing bullying culture

The 86 year old was taken to Raigmore Hospital
Published 8th Oct 2020

Bosses at NHS Highland believe progress has been made in changing its culture of bullying, despite almost two-thirds of complaints being unresolved.

The health board was heavily criticised after an investigation last year found hundreds of NHS staff across the Highlands may endured inappropriate behaviour.

The Sturrock review found a "significant majority" of the 340 people it spoke to were either currently experiencing, or had suffered in the past, fear, intimidation and inappropriate behaviour at work.

Giving evidence to Holyrood's Audit Committee on Thursday, NHS Highland chairman Prof. Boyd Robertson said the report was "sobering" for the organisation and "alarming for our patients and communities".

He said: "That was a troubling and defining moment for NHS Highland in highlighting long-standing issues of bullying and harassment, which had a significant impact on current and former employees."

Mr Robertson argues "notable progress" has been made, including a formal "healing process" involving whistleblowers who raised concerns and NHS Highland's HR team.

He revealed 25 of the 39 complaints made by staff in the past year were not yet resolved, while 14 had been dealt with.

Describing the organisational changes as a "long initiative", Mr Robertson said: "You can't transform the culture of an organisation overnight and it's more important that we put the right measures in place than we do it hastily."

"Some might criticise us for not doing it quickly enough, but we are wanting to take a considered view of it, and to get things as right as we can because we think this could be a template for other boards in Scotland."

Mr Robertson also said the health board's improving financial situation, including meeting the "substantial savings target" of approximately ÂŁ28 million in 2019-20, has been a "tremendous achievement".

In 2017-18, NHS Highland recorded a loss of ÂŁ17.8 million, followed by ÂŁ18 million in 2018-19.

NHS Highland chief executive Pam Dudek said the board's financial position is one of the four biggest risks facing NHS Highland, alongside its performance, workforce and the organisation's "culture".

Asked to justify spending ÂŁ1.2 million on external consultants PwC, Ms Dudek told MSPs they had helped deliver cuts and savings "in a fairly swift way".

Witnesses were also challenged about queues of people who had to wait outside in the cold and rain for flu jabs witnessed recently in parts of the region.

Mr Connaghan said the situation was "very regrettable", and added: "We need to learn from these issues and ensure that that learning is rolled out across Scotland."

Ms Dudek said: "Firstly I would probably want to apologise again profusely for the experience that people had at the weekend."