LISTEN: Scottish Fire Chiefs Urge Us To Play Safe As Fifty Shades Released

Fifty Shades of Grey is out in cinemas today and Scotland's fire bosses want us to play it safe and not get caught in any embarrassing episodes.

Published 12th Feb 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey is out in cinemas today and Scotland's fire bosses want us to play it safe and not get caught in any embarrassing episodes. The book, which took the world by storm in 2011, has sparked Scottish Fire and Rescue teams to remind us that a serious blaze can break out at a "moments distraction". It comes after the London Fire Bridage said it was expecting a rise in call-outs from people getting trapped in comprosing situations due to the "50 shades" effect.

Our reporter Connor Gillies has more:

A spokesperson for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “We’re aware of the concerns expressed by our colleagues in London and we would certainly echo their appeal for people to remember that 999 should only be called in emergencies.

“Of course Valentine’s Day will be marked by people throughout Scotland so it’s important everyone understands that the combination of cooking, alcohol and candles could all too easily lead to tragedy.

“A moment’s distraction is all it can take for a serious fire to break out. Anyone who is under the influence of alcohol should avoid cooking and it’s vital that candles are never left unattended and are kept away from objects that could catch fire.”