LISTEN: Poor Parking @ Raigmore Sparks Warning

There have been complaints about car block in and illegal use of disabled spaces.

Published 9th Jun 2015

Concerns about poor parking at Raigmore Hospital have sparked a warning to drivers.

Bosses have received complaints about cars being blocked in and illegal use of disabled spaces.

Now, motorists are being asked to be take more responsibility to prevent disruption.

Officials admit more parking space is needed, but they can't afford in current circumstances.

MFR News takes a special look at parking at the north's biggest hospital...

Crawford Howat, Hotel Services Manager for Raigmore Hospital, said: “The car park at Raigmore is very busy and we recognise that it can be difficult trying to find a space when you are coming in for an appointment or to visit a patient. “However what we have noticed, and it has also been highlighted to us by members of the public and staff, is that not everyone is considerate of others when parking on site. “We know that for some coming into a hospital environment can be a stressful experience and a busy car park can add to that but we have examples of cars being blocked in, access roads being blocked and the disabled bays at the front of the car park being used by those who do not have blue badges displayed on their car.”

Linda Kirkland, Interim of Director of Operations for Raigmore Hospital said: “We’re fully aware that having a bigger car park would go a long way to helping us resolve this but it is just not something that we are in a position to do at this current time. “What we are asking is that everyone takes responsibility for how they use our car park.

"Leave enough time to find a space if you are coming in for an appointment, please don’t block cars in or block any of our access roads and please be considerate of others when driving round and parking on our site.”