LISTEN: NHS Highland look for pledges to tackle loneliness

Online and Facebook campaign to get people to reach out

Published 5th Apr 2016

NHS Highland have launched a campaign to tackle social isolation and loneliness throughout 2106-17 with a growing body of research suggesting that social isolation and loneliness has a significant affect on people’s health and wellbeing. More people die from loneliness than from being overweight or not exercising, with the effect of loneliness being the same as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

As the biggest employer in Highland, NHS are making the pledge to combat loneliness inside and outside of work - and likewise they are looking for the public to help. The ‘pledge’ system will encourage people to commit themselves to take action to tackle loneliness, no matter how big or small the gesture to reach out. Joanna MacDonald is NHS Highland's director of adult social care:-