LISTEN: Moray representatives relief following Kinloss reprieve

Moray MSP says that they still need to "keep an eye on the situation" following MOD defence review

Published 7th Nov 2016

Moray’s MP Angus Robertson and MSP Richard Lochhead have responded to the Defence Secretary's statement on the MOD estate review on future basing arrangements.

In the statement, while Fort George is expected to be closed by 2032, Kinloss Barracks is to be retained.

Angus Robertson MP said: “The statement on base closures shows why we were right to be concerned in Scotland with the closure of eight defence sites announced by the Conservative Government. The fact that the Minister felt the need to specifically mention Kinloss shows that our joint efforts in Moray hit home, forcing the Government to specifically exclude Kinloss from their base closure plans"

"Nearby Fort George does not fare so well with a long slow decline now in prospect"

“The response to the potential threat to Kinloss by Moray Council, HIE, the Scottish Government and others, alongside Richard Lochhead MSP and myself shows how Moray can pull together when economic risks are identified and have a united front in the face of potential threats"

Richard Lochhead MSP said: "From Moray's perspective this is good news, it's a huge relief for the Moray economy, having lost RAF Kinloss a few years ago we had the army based there instead to make up for part of that blow"

"Our thoughts are with the people further along the coast at Fort George following that news, but there's no doubt we have to keep our eye on the situation, it vindicates the campaign we had here over the last few months where all partners came together with the community to press the case for Kinloss"