LISTEN: Kinloss runner sets off on 5000 mile run around Britain

Simon's set aside 12 months for his intrepid challenge

Simon Clark is set to arrive back in Findhorn around 4pm on the 5th of July
Published 25th Mar 2016

Simon Clark from Kinloss is going to be seeing a bit of the coast this year, all 5000 miles of it, as he's set off on a charity round Britain run.

"I got a book for Christmas called 'Just a little run around the world' by Rosie Swale, and she spent 6 years on a round the world run, so by the time I got to the end of the book in January I thought, 'okay, let's bite off something a little bit smaller' and it came from there. I started running just to get some stamina for football and now the running's taken over"

Simon's running for Ecologia Youth Trust who help orphans in Russia, Kenya and Uganda. He admits it will be hard, knowing there'll be times when he won't see people for a day or three.

"There's the charity and friends back home, but it's just me and 9 kilograms when I'm out and it'll be a challenge to ask for help, when looking for water, food, or a shelter to sleep under"

"I'd like to think there'll be people out there who'll help and I know from Rosie's book there are people out there who are very, very generous and do something out of the ordinary and I just hope that's the case"

"It's a worthy cause and I expect I'll meet good people, but what I've got on my back is my house, and I'll just meet what comes"

As for his geographic knowledge, Simon's background doesn't make him the most experienced person for tackling the Great British coast! -

Simon said: "I'd like to do it in about a year, 5,000 miles, about 100 miles a week or so, I'd like to do it in 12 months, but at 56-years-old, can I do Eddie Izzard? Can I do 15 to 20 miles 6 days a week?"

"I don't know if my right knee will be able to take it, but I'm quietly confident"

One thing he is looking forward to is meeting another runner, who is doing the same challenge, but he has been running clockwise.

"He set off from London in September, so we'll cross on the West Coast in the Summer. It'll be interesting because we'll have so much in common. What are you carrying? What do you eat? There's so much logistics involved!"

Simon will be carrying a GPS device throughout the round Britain challenge and promises to keep MFR up-to-date with his progress.

To donate, or read about his challenge, click the link here