LISTEN: Kinloss discussions already held between MOD and council

Moray MP wants local council to give answers on where they lie on the future of the army barracks at Kinloss

Published 16th Aug 2016

A Ministry of Defence source has revealed to Moray MP Angus Robertson that discussions have already been held with Moray Council in recent weeks over the future of the army base at Kinloss.

Angus Robertson MP said:

“The emerging details of the threat to the Kinloss army base show that a Conservative / Independent run Council has been having discussions with the MOD over the future of the base and they have clearly chosen not to take action to publicly challenge the UK Tory Government on the promises made to Moray"

“The Tories have made promises to Moray. At UK Government level and at Council level in Moray, where the Tories form part of the ruling Administration, there has to be accountability for those promises"

“Where do the Tories stand on this issue? Are they content to see Moray lose an army base only a short time after 39 Regiment have come here? Are they going to abandon the promises made to Moray?"