LISTEN: Inverness MP rages at response from Scottish Secretary

Drew Hendry accuses David Mundell of "muddying the waters"

Published 1st Sep 2016

With people in the North and North-East looking for assurances on the future of military facilities - with an impending MoD review - Inverness MP Drew Hendry says a letter from the Scottish Secretary has provided more questions for concerned constituents.

David Mundell's letter states that it's "likely" that "some" MoD sites north of the border will be hit by the cost cutting measures, thought to be looking at pruning 30% from the military estates.

Below is a copy of Mr Mundell's response to Mr Hendry:

On the present situation, involving both Fort George in his area, and Kinloss in the constituency of fellow SNP MP Angus Robertson, Drew Hendry had this to say:- Meanwhile, Moray MP Angus Robertson has written to Theresa May to remind her the Conservatives made promises to maintain army pesonnel in Kinloss when the RAF base was closed.

Angus Robertson said: “The risk of closure of Kinloss Barracks such a short period of time after the basing of 39 Regiment there is deeply concerning"

“Promises were made by the Conservatives over the basing of army personnel at Kinloss after the untimely ending of the Nimrod programme and it would be a complete betrayal to go back on those promises just a few short years later"

“I have emphasised to the Prime Minister the level of support in our local communities for our military personnel and their families and the fact that it would be foolish to ignore the importance of that"

“The strong links between our bases and the local communities is a major strength for both Moray and for the MoD. That strength has been built up over many decades with military families making their life here and settling in to the community as their permanent home"

“The mutual support that endures from those link should not be underestimated and should be considered as a major positive by the MoD instead of the constant uncertainty that is coming from successive reviews"

“It is not conducive to good defence and it is not conducive to a strong local economy.”