LISTEN: Hundreds queue to see new Star Wars adventure

Star Wars fans have flocked to cinemas to see the first screenings of the latest instalment of the blockbuster franchise.

Published 17th Dec 2015

Star Wars fans have flocked to cinemas to see the first screenings of the latest instalment of the blockbuster franchise.

Movie-goers queued up in their hundreds ahead of midnight showings of Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

In Inverness, MFR News caught up with some of the lucky ticket holders before the first screening to see what all the fuss was about:

MFR's Ginno Conti caught up with some of you after the show too...

At the Odeon cinema in Glasgow, staff also welcomed fans dressed up as Luke Skywalker and Star Wars' newest villian Kylo Ren.

Eight screens were dedicated to the long-awaited film which showed at midnight, 12.15am, 12.30am and 1am.

One group of very eager fans turned up to begin their wait at 4.30pm, according to staff.

Brothers Stephen and Alexander Dick from Paisley said they had grown up watching Star Wars and had to be among the first in line to see it.

Teacher Stephen, 25, said: I've got work tomorrow but it's totally worth it, staying up this late.

We're going again tomorrow with the family but we are the biggest fans so we have to see it straight away.''

Researcher Alexander, 29, said: Everyone has said, 'Don't tell us what happens' and people at my work don't want to see me tomorrow because they'll know from my face how it was.''

Sean Tinney, 31, from Greenock attended the midnight showing dressed as Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back, a costume he said he put together for Halloween and decided to wear again.

He said: My dad liked the films and I enjoyed watching them with him.

It's a story about good versus evil. It's got everything, and even the evil characters are quite endearing.''

Pre-sales of tickets set an Odeon record at more than half a million - more than double the number booked in advance of the latest Bond film Spectre.

Andy Burrows, deputy manager at Springfield Quay said: I think yesterday we were selling tickets every one and a half seconds in the UK. It's been quite a build-up and really exciting.

It's an iconic movie. It's a huge phenomenon and everyone loves it. I'm working too much to see it myself now, but hopefully I'll get to watch it before Christmas.''