LISTEN: Homes in the north paying over the odds for energy

The average overspend per household on energy bills in on the increase, despite encouragement for bill payers to "shop around" for the best deal

Published 11th May 2016

New research has revealed that British households supplied by the Big Six are paying £4bn more for their energy needs than they should be.

First Utility have mapped the energy overspend showing on average that people in the north of Scotland are splashing out an average of £268 per household.

For example, the Inverness overspend is £3,287,334 while Elgin accounts for £1,733,260 more than is necessary to cover their energy costs.

Despite increased information on suppliers - and their various tariffs - the overspend has risen from 2015 by 25%.

Alan Rooney is from the Inverness Citizens Advice Bureau, specialising in helping people in fuel poverty.

Alan says people shouldn't be frightened to shop around:-