LISTEN: Highland Girl Goes From Care Home To Harvard

A Highland girl who grew up in care hopes being accepted to Harvard will help stop stigma.

Published 11th Aug 2015

A girl from the Highlands has gone from living in care to studying at a top American university.

Megan Sutherland who lives in Strathpeffer spent 6 weeks in Massachusetts studying psychology and medical ethics at Harvard University.

The 17 year old who attended Culloden Academy earned her place at the school’s summer programme through a scholarship with Who Cares? Scotland.

The organisation works with children and young people who’ve had experiences living in care to reach their potential in future life.

Now she’s back Megan hopes her story will help stop stigma, as well as encourage others in her position to aim for their goals.

Having always wanted to be a doctor, she hopes taking part in this programme will bring her a step closer to that dream.

Megan achieved As and Bs in her exams and will be applying to studying medicine at university in Scotland.