LISTEN: Highland Council redesign board make progress on streamlining

The Redesign Board of The Highland Council is preparing to agree a list of functions identified for review.

Published 29th Aug 2016

The Redesign Board of Highland Council - a partnership between Members and staff - is now set to agree a review of around 120 of 270 of their functions which will be taken forward to the full Council in September for approval.

Convener Isobel McCallum, Chair of the Redesign Board said: “It is good practice for any organisation or business to regularly review its activities to look for opportunities for improvements and income growth, and to identify where there can be efficiencies and cost reductions"

“Our aim is to streamline how our services are delivered through more efficient ways of working. This is a careful and managed approach to exploring how we deliver our services, involving our staff, our communities and the public.”

Vice Convener Councillor Bill Lobban and Vice Chair of the Redesign Board explained: “The Redesign Board has taken an overview of individual council services and has come to the conclusion that 120 functions are worthy of review"

But as Cllr Lobban explained to MFR News, this "review" shouldn't be seen a worrying prospect:-

The Board’s recommendations will be taken to Council on 8th September for approval.