LISTEN: Glasgow Mum Reacts To Another Chilcot Delay

Published 21st Jan 2015

A Glasgow mum who has waged a long campaign for answers after her son was killed in Iraq is furious at the latest delay to the publication of the report into why Britain joined the war. Rose Gentle's been giving her reaction to Sir John Chilcot saying there's "no realistic prospect" of delivering his report before the General Election.

Speaking at 10 Downing Street, Mr Cameron rejected suggestions that the delay made it appear that a cover-up was taking place. I don't think that's right at all,'' he said.I have made my position on this very clear and I'll be talking about it in the House of Commons later today''. Sir Chilcot says extracts are now being given to those who are criticised in it and they are allowed to respond.

Our reporter Connor Gillies met up with Rose Gentle in Glasgow: