LISTEN: Friends of Raigmore fundraiser offers more scope for patient care in the Highlands

Having raised £19,000 for an operating sigmoidoscope, patients can be treated for the likes of bowel cancer in the north

Published 11th Apr 2016

NHS Highland will be able to reduce the need for major surgery in some patients, thanks to the latest donation from the Friends of Raigmore.

The Friends have raised £19,000 for an operating sigmoidoscope, a kind of telescope used in the removal of some benign and malignant growths from the lower rectum by a surgical method known as trans-anal endoscopic operation (TEO).

Mr Mike Walker, consultant colorectal surgeon for NHS Highland, explains the kind help this can provide for patients in Highland - with the operating sigmoidoscope one of only a few being used in Scotland:-

Christina Cameron (pictured with Mr Walker), chair of the Friends of Raigmore, said: “We are delighted that we have been able to donate this piece of equipment to the hospital"

“Our shop in the hospital has been opened for over three years now but it has been doing incredibly well, which has allowed us to buy the equipment"

“I’m incredibly happy that we have been able to do this for colorectal team and that it will be of benefit to both patients and staff.”