LISTEN: Foran hopes stronger squad can progress after opening points

Foran delighted with new additions, with the possibility of perhaps one more new face.

Published 9th Sep 2016

Caley Thistle boss Richie Foran says Larnell Cole and Brad McKay may be joined by perhaps one more new face, depending on discussions with chairman Kenny Cameron.

Midfielder Cole's arrived on loan from Fulham, while defender McKay has had a brief spell at St Johnstone, following on from his days at Hearts, where he knew Billy King well.

This weekend it's the challenge of a trip to Aberdeen with Foran hoping better options can lead to better results in the SPFL Premiership.

The manager said: "I've told them all we have a quality squad and you're going to have a hard battle getting into the team"

"All the players are coming back saying they're ready for that battle. I've told them they've got to come and fight and got to prove they're good enough"

"I gave the lads a few days off, although with beating St Johnstone I would have liked another game"

"They needed a bit of time off, the three or four defeats affected them mentally at the start of the season and left them feeling a bit drained. I told them to get away, not to even think about football for a couple of days and they've come back really refreshed"

Josh Meekings stayed at ICT after the close of the window, despite some speculation of interest elsewhere. Ideally Foran wants Meekings to stay, but there's no further dialogue just yet:-

This weekend's opponents have had a stop-start beginning to the season, which started early thanks to their unsuccessful European campaign, neverless Richie Foran knows they're a formidable challenge.

“Aberdeen are a quality team. They're good on the counter and they've got Johnny Hayes back. Derek’s done a fantastic job since he has there been with them and we enjoy going over there and enjoy playing against them."

"It’s always a really tight game and it'll be hard to call for the neutral. There is a lot of confidence running through us with that late goal against St Johnstone"

"We won’t be sitting back and if we are playing the way we have been playing I want to see us attack"

"I want to go on attack from the start. We know it’s a tough place to go from Aberdeen to Celtic next week. It’s still early in the season and we are only four games into the season and there is still lots of points up for grabs"

"But I'm also looking for a clean sheet. I've spoke to the lads I’m looking for that than later so I’ve been working hard with the back four and defending so it'll be really positive if we can get that that clean sheet"