LISTEN: Falling Crime Rates Across Highland

Police recorded fewer homicides, assaults and sex attacks in 2014 than the previous year.

Published 17th Mar 2015

New figures show crime across the Highlands is falling.

Police stats from April to December show a 17% drop in recorded illegal activity.

The number of violent offences, including homicides and serious assaults, were down by 19% on the previous year.

142 incidents were recorded in 2014, compared to 176 the previous year.

There was a reduction in rates of sexual crime, falling from 388 to 317.

Figures also show that the number of people seriously injured in road traffic collisions has dropped by 25.2% and total number of drug related offences by 15%.

MFR Reporter Derek Ferguson speaks with Chief Superintendent Angus MacPherson about the figures...

Commenting on the recent performance figures, Temporary Divisional Commander Chief Superintendent Angus MacPherson said: "These recent performance figures for the third quarter are very encouraging and hopefully demonstrate Police Scotland Highland and Islands Division's continued effort in keeping our local communities safe.

"Key to this success is the strength of our inter agency collaboration through our Community Planning Partnerships across our 4 Local Authority areas.

"It is by continuing to work closely with our partners that we are able to sustain a reduction in crime which ultimately leads to less victims in what is already one of the safest areas in the country. "Road safety in particular remains one of our top local policing priorities so a drop of 25% in serious injury is to be welcomed as we continue to encourage improved driver behaviour. "Although encouraging, these figures can always be improved and going forward we will seek to liaise with members of the public, communities and partner agencies to ensure our local policing plans are shaped around the communities we all work towards keeping safe."