LISTEN: Crackdown On North Car Crime

Operation Quarterlight aims to raise awareness of the dangers of vehicle break-in's across the Highlands.

Published 9th Feb 2015

Motorists in the north are being told to watch out for car criminals as part of Operation Quarterlight.

The new police campaign aims to crackdown on vehicle break-in's across the Highlands.

It follows a spate of incidents in Nairn and Dingwall.

Drivers are being asked to take sensible precautions to secure their cars.

MFR Reporter Derek Ferguson speaks with Detective Inspector Mark Czerniakiewicz about the intiaitive...

Commenting on the operation, Detective Inspector Mark Czerniakiewicz said: "Across the Highlands and Islands we are fortunate in having a relatively low reported rate of vehicle thefts and associated crimes, however, this does not leave room for complacency for police or drivers.

"We have received a number of reports of break-in to vehicles across the area recently so it is important communities remain vigilant to suspicious activity and take steps to secure their vehicles and belongings. "In addition to thoroughly investigating all reports of vehicle crimes, we are committed to keeping communities safe by advising how best we can all secure our vehicles and property, reducing the risk of becoming a victim of crime.

"If you discover that your car has been broken into our advice would be to contact the Police to report it straight away before you touch or drive the vehicle.

"This will increase the chances of recovering forensic evidence from the vehicle itself. "Community intelligence is vital to our enquiries so we are thankful for ongoing assistance from the public in reporting potentially suspicious activity."