LISTEN: Cash For Kids Helps Disabled Moray Tot With £6,000 Gift

MFR Cash For Kids is gifting more than £6,000 to Kai's family to pay for a special play space.

Published 21st Apr 2015

MFR Cash For Kids is giving a disabled Buckie toddler a special place to play.

We've pledged over £6,000 to buy Kai Urquhart's family a log cabin for their back garden.

The 1 year old, who is losing his sight, will use it as a sensory play space.

He suffers from a condition called Jouberts Syndrome, which affects his mobility.

It's hoped through using light to stimulate his eyes, Kai will be able to retain his sight.

His mum and dad had launched a fundraising campaign to pay for a hut and specialist toys.

Now, thanks to MFR Cash For Kids, they'll be able to use money already raised to buy the best sensory equipment.

MFR Reporter Derek Ferguson speaks with Kai's mother Lorna about the gift...

Mum Lorna said "It means the equipment that we can buy now will be the best we can possibly dream of.

"I was think the hut was going to take up a lot of the money, but now we can look at getting the right toys for Kai.

"A massive, massive thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts.

"It's such a massive thing."

You can donate to Kai's funraiser through his Just Giving page.